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WordPress Success Bootcamp
Welcome! (7:11)
How to get the best from the WordPress Success Bootcamp
Domain name checklist
Week 1: Getting happy with Wordpress and Themes
An introduction to the workspace (7:53)
A quick look around WordPress (22:28)
Introduction to the Divi Builder (22:27)
Selecting your home page to display on your domain (1:12)
Your Week 1 assignment
Bonus modules: colours, imagery, fonts and logo
Optional bonus modules
Bonus module: Logo (13:47)
Bonus module: Fonts (10:35)
Bonus module: Colours (32:01)
Bonus module: Imagery (10:11)
Optional: Time out issues
Week 2: Setting Up
An introduction to Plugins (9:50)
Configuring the settings for UpdraftPlus (5:38)
Installing Smush (4:06)
Sizing images
Setting up your own colour palette and adding your logo (8:28)
Introduction to Theme Customiser (8:20)
Setting up Google Analytics (5:12)
Create your first web page (23:11)
Your Week 2/3 assignment
Week 3: Consolidation
Take a breather!
Week 4: Core Messaging and your Home Page
Understanding your clients (14:12)
Creating your user journey (7:08)
First Impression Incentive (32:55)
What to include on your home page (16:37)
How to plan your layout (6:24)
Creating Your Home Page (25:46)
Adding your logo, site icon and changing your footer (11:38)
Creating full width images and sliders (9:08)
Making it work on mobile (8:57)
Your Week 4 assignment
Week 5: Site planning and Internal Pages
Planning Internal Pages (15:59)
Using repeatable elements in your pages (10:14)
Working with navigational links (7:39)
Creating your Work With Me page with anchor links (10:32)
Creating your Contact page (12:44)
Grabbing your Google Maps API key (2:29)
Optional: Making your form deliver the emails (6:24)
Your Week 5 assignment
Week 6: Consolidation
Take a break!
Week 7: Blogging
Blogging basics (14:51)
Adding a blog post (13:22)
Creating a page for people to visit your blog posts (14:31)
Customising your sidebar (6:30)
Optional: Adding Related Posts to your Blogs (6:06)
Optional: Adding an Author Bio Box to your blog posts (6:37)
Optional: Removing Excerpts from blog posts (2:37)
Your Week 7 assignment
Week 8: Basic search engine optimisation
Some basic SEO background training (49:52)
Basic Keyword Research (8:24)
Setting up Yoast with the Wizard (4:43)
Setting Up Google Search Console (3:51)
Other Yoast settings (4:39)
Setting up Bing verification (3:10)
Optional: Finding Page or Post IDs (1:15)
Using your keywords in each page or post (12:49)
Adding alt tags to images (2:38)
Your Week 8 assignment
Week 9: Consolidation
Take a breather!
Week 10: Housekeeping
Adding an optin/ebook to your website (19:05)
Creating a custom error 404 page (6:56)
Integrating Mailchimp (8:02)
Maintenance: Updating Plugins (5:47)
Redirecting old links (6:32)
Your websites legal requirements
GDPR and what it means for you
Privacy Policy
Cookie consent (9:08)
Adding a link to your footer (4:03)
Your Week 10 assignment
Week 11: Consolidation and Checks
Final checks
Week 12: Go Live!
Moving your site to your host
Bonus modules
Bonus: Brand before Logo Masterclass with Messaging Expert Lucy Griffin-Stiff (47:47)
Bonus: Confidence on Camera with Lucy Griffiths (38:25)
Bonus: Content that Sells Masterclass with Helen Davies (69:13)
Setting up your scheduler (9:33)
Bonus: Successful Sales Conversations with Helen Davis (65:37)
Bonus: Creating video for your website (67:03)
Bonus: Guest Blogging with Samaya Adelin (58:54)
Create your first web page
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